Blog Post

Nakedness & Adornment

For the better part of 20 years I wore a wedding ring on my left hand. I took the last one off about a year ago, and have felt naked ever since. Last month I spent time exploring jewelry shops in my neighborhood. These are not the sort of shops I frequent as I’m not drawn to traditional sparkle, and am not a fashion hound of any sort. I was skeptical about finding anything suitable, but…

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Blog Post

The Search for a Word

Back in early 2012 I read an article in Guideposts magazine by Debbie Macomber that shared her practice of choosing a word to focus on each year. While I wouldn’t describe myself as a religious person, nor am I a reader of Macomber’s books, I was inspired by this practice. I chose a word for that year, and have been choosing a “word for the year” ever since. I have shared the article with friends…

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Blog Post

The Guest Stamp of Approval

In my three years of living in Mongolia, my father was my only visitor. He arrived the night before I did, and was there for the first two weeks of my new life. Don’t get me wrong, I was thankful to have a fellow family member there–to have him see where I would be living and working. However, I expect he left with many questions about how my life would proceed. His concerns were not…

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