Blog Post

Life as a Series of Acclimations

I grew up in Northern Michigan and had an amazing childhood there. I went barefoot for the majority of my summers. I built forts, climbed trees, floated down the Pigeon River. In the winter I tobogganed, cross-country skied, fed chickadees from my hand, and had snowball fights. I went to public school, took dance and piano classes, and kissed my first boy in that state. Then I went on to high school in Pennsylvania. Winters…

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Blog Post

Sunrises & Sunsets

Living in this seaside place I’ve become a bit of a sunset/sunrise addict. I can’t get enough of watching the spectrum of colors illuminate the sky as a new day dawns, or another day rests its weary head. Both are lovely in their own way, and offer a gift to its viewer.  Recently I spent time reflecting on WHY I love this cyclic occurrence as much as I do. Why have they become important? Why…

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Blog Post

What is Safety?

After I was hired for my position here in Turkey and shared my impending move with family and friends, I was repeatedly asked the following questions, “Are you sure? Is it safe there?” A former colleague inquired about my state of mental health, saying something along the lines of, “I’m worried about Heather. What is she thinking…..going to Turkey!?!” My immediate family members did not express deep concern (if they had it) but those a…

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