Blog Post

Words have Power!

One thing I learned in 2020: the power of words. This new year will mark a decade of me choosing a “word for the year.” The word I chose for 2020 was PROVOKE. You can read about that choice and reasoning in last year’s blog post. I think it is safe to say that I was provoked WAY beyond my comfort zone this past year. Things I could never have imagined, as who imagines living through…

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Blog Post

When 2020 was White and Shiny!

When 2020 arrived nearly a year ago, we had no idea what it had in store for us. The featured image above was from a placemat in Chios where I spent a night exploring the island with a friend visiting from Shanghai. It was just two days before we rang in the New Year, with high hopes and dreams, here in Izmir with a small gathering of friends. Soon it will be a year ago…

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Blog Post

Rejecting that Rote, that Scripted Life

I have had a number of thoughts and topics bumping around in my brain this month that I considered writing about but nothing seemed to rise to the surface. Until today. A former student of mine posted the following question on her Facebook page recently: “Women 30 or Older: If you could give one piece of advice to a girl in her early 20’s what would it be?” This question has been around for some…

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