Blog Post

One Dot leads to the Next…

I said I would tell you more about my trip to Germany, as well as how I know Harika, the friend whom I visited in my brief time there. So here I am to do just that. The first week after I arrived to İzmir in August of 2018, I spent a lot of time walking the streets around my apartment and in my neighborhood to begin to get a feel for this new country…

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Blog Post

The Two Strands of Dalyan

Having wrapped up my five week summer vacation in Dalyan, I confess I’m already thinking ahead to next summer, and I want to do something similar. While most İzmirians “summer” in Çeşme, that is not my scene. It is basically the big city moved to the beach. While I appreciate living and working in İzmir, I prefer a slower paced way-of-life for my summer break.  I may, however, be adopting the Turkish lifestyle of summering…

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Blog Post

The Shifts of Summer

My summer in Dalyan was a total of 5 weeks or 36 days. I can break that time into six distinct shifts–each with its own collection of guests (or lack thereof), places visited, style of time spent together, and conversations shared. I arrived, unpacked, shopped, and settled in for just one afternoon and night. I enjoyed a solo dip in the pool at midnight and breathed a sigh of relief to finally be IN my…

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