Blog Post

Next Stage of Life in Turkey

Returning from the summer in Dalyan, I moved into my next stage of life in Turkey–moving out of the “lojman”–a worker’s residence building–and into an apartment off-site from the school. I guess you could say I “graduated” as my seniority of employment put me towards the top of the list when an off-site apartment was vacated by another foreign employee. Before moving to Dalyan for the summer I had boxed and packed up all of…

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Blog Post

Snapshot of Retirement

My second summer in Dalyan was a dream come true. As my sister Fawn put it, I had a sort of “mini-retirement.” With hindsight I can say it did have that feel to it. After surviving two plus years of COVID impacts, this summer came well overdue for all of us educators. The 2021-22 school year was especially tiring for us, between juggling hybrid classes with students out with COVID, and constant substitute coverage of…

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Exploring Turkey: The GAP Tour

For the five day bayram (holiday) that we had at the start of May, I decided to take the famous GAP Tour–a traditional tour that many Türks take at some point in their lives to get to see and know parts of Southeast Anatolia. GAP stands for Güney-Doğu Anadolu Proje, or Southeast Anatolia Project. You can read a bit about its history on this website from the Ministry of Industry and Technology. I participated on…

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