Blog Post

Kasekrainer in Vienna!

After spending a couple of days at home after visiting the Kingdom (previous post), then I was off to Vienna, Austria, where my friend Laura resides. SunExpress offered direct flights on Fridays and Mondays making it the perfect weekend getaway. And pretty darn affordable at around $260. Laura had visited me in Izmir back in October and offered a reciprocal visit. I didn’t hesitate to take her up on the offer. I always prefer to…

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Blog Post Travel

Visiting the Kingdom!

I can confidently say that I never thought in a million years that I would travel to Saudi Arabia. In fact, after watching the documentary “The Dissident” I told my good friend, Kate, that I would “never” visit her in Saudi. This is one more example of why we should not use the word “never.” It makes a liar out of most of us, and it’s why I won’t say that I will “never marry…

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Blog Post

Neighborhood Life, part 4

I bet you thought I had abandoned this Series about life in the Neighborhood, but alas, I have not. Here I have an odd assortment of people and places, the first of which I call the Popcorn Man (featured above). The two gates I use most often to access my school’s campus happen to be across the street from either our kindergarten or elementary schools. Often as I leave work, students are also leaving school…

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