Blog Post

For the Love of Turkey

Last summer I told you the story behind my Sarajevo tattoo. Last weekend I spent over five hours under the tattoo gun to get my newest tattoo. As with the Sarajevo tattoo, I again collaborated with an artist in hopes of capturing my feelings about a place in a tattoo designed by a true artist. While I wish I was artistic myself, my skills end with coloring books and crayons! I leave art to the…

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Cheers to a Killer Summer Vacay

Despite COVID’s attempt to wreck havoc on 2020–both in everyday life and around travel which is what most of us international educators do with our summers–I am here to share about a surprisingly wonderful summer vacation adventure right here in Turkey. I survived the tedious travel necessary to return from the U.S. and self-quarantined for the recommended two weeks. But then my real summer vacation kicked off–a two week trip here in Turkey with my…

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Blog Post

2020 Travel: Winter vs Summer

As you may recall I traveled to San Francisco in January to visit my sister and newborn niece. That was at the start of Coronavirus, and prior to it being designated a Pandemic. I am grateful I was able to get in, and then out, of California before things blew up. If I remember correctly, I departed on February 6th, just one day before California had its first fatality from COVID-19. I returned to Turkey…

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