In the spring of 2018, before leaving Mongolia for Türkiye, I had lasik surgery. It cost me just $1,200 for BOTH eyes which were nearsighted (my prescription was -4.25 for one eye, -3.75 for the other at the time of surgery) and astigmatism had begun in one eye. For the first time since I was in middle school I was able to wake in the morning and see clearly across the room without putting lenses of some type on/in. It was a revelation for me! Prior to surgery I was wearing contacts to see far AND applying “readers” to read things close (I was 44 years old at that time). I still need readers today, but thankfully I can see 20/20 (I believe) when looking beyond an arm’s length.
Since moving to Türkiye I have opted to invest in laser hair removal for my underarms, bikini area, and my legs from the knee down. Obviously this is cosmetic in nature and something I have paid for out-of-pocket (which I also did for lasik). I want to say it has cost me about $300-400 USD in total. Laser hair removal doesn’t last forever and there is some maintenance involved each winter to catch the stragglers. But I have no doubt I am saving money not having to go and get waxed every 1-2 months. Not to mention laser hair removal is much less painful.
Another “new” thing I have tried here is what is known as “wet cupping,” or Hijama in Turkish. My left ankle suffers from a couple of ailments. First of all I broke my left leg when I was 18 and have permanent scar tissue in that region. The surgeon that put in a metal plate and seven screws (taken out two years later) told me that later in life I would most probably suffer from arthritis in that area. My range of motion was forever altered by that injury and repair. If there was any advice they gave me to keep the area healthy and flexible, I did not follow it. I was 18 after all.

Secondly, while doing Zumba in the mid 2010s I suffered from tendonitis in that same ankle. Since that time I have experienced pain and aches intermittently. Sometimes at night I wear an elastic ankle brace to help support the muscles. Some days or moments I have no pain in my left ankle; other moments I experience shooting pain and almost feel as if my ankle will give out on me. It’s frustrating because it doesn’t feel like there is anything to do about it (that I haven’t already tried).
When I return from travel that includes flights, my ankle swells and the edema more pronounced. My massage therapist, Hilal, recommended an alternative medicine approach–wet cupping, or Hijama as it is known in Muslim countries. I had tried dry cupping in Mongolia as part of a massage experience. It was interesting, but not life altering. Wet cupping was new to me. But I have an open mind and am willing to try anything as the usual stretching, massaging, and icing of that ankle hadn’t provided much relief.
Wet cupping is basically bloodletting. My experience included plastic suction cups first applied to the afflicted area. After a short period of time, Hilal would remove the suction cup and using a tiny, sanitary razor blade made very tiny incisions in my skin on the area. My skin did not bleed from these cuts UNTIL the suction cups were reapplied. It was fascinating to watch the blood begin to draw out through my skin and be held inside the cup. It did not hurt at all; though I can say the first time I did become a little light headed (Hilal gave me a banana to eat!).
After a period of time, Hilal would release the suction and collect the blood–which was more gelatinous than liquid. She described it as “dirty blood” and I confess to even seeing the air inside the cup turn foggy or misty while my blood was being drawn out. The especially swollen spots might see her apply the suction cup three times, but there was less blood drawn out each time and the blood does begin to brighten (indicating clean blood is now being drawn out).

I think we have had three sessions over the last year and a half–March of 2023, September 2023, and February of this year. The first session brought me incredible relief and results. I had increased range of motion in that ankle and my pain decreased to nearly nothing. I can say it felt better for weeks. But sadly this last session I did not have the same experience. In fact it took 2-3 weeks for my ankle to feel better afterwards. I can’t explain why.
I loved my first experience and really wish the results had been consistent. These days my ankle aches regularly and some days I have a lot of pain. It feels like that ankle is just “gummed up” inside and will never feel normal. That is hard to swallow–knowing that at age 50 I will always be nagged by this aching ankle.
If anyone has any ideas on other treatments–please let me know. I can say that after every massage with Hilal–during which time she does work on that ankle–there is improvement of range of motion. It is not comfortable to feel, but the results are worth it. But it is not long lasting and when I massage the area myself, I am obviously NOT as skilled as she (or I’m incapable of causing the pain myself?).
While I am sure some of these things are available in the U.S., I have to confess that I have only tried them abroad because of the cost. A one hour deep tissue massage costs me currently 800 TL which is about 25 USD. When I lived in the U.S. a full body massage was at least 80-100 USD for one hour. That was eight years ago or more–so I have no idea about current rates.
I’ll end with a question–have you tried alternative treatments? If so, what, and how was your experience?
Enjoyed this blog post! Thank you for sharing 🙂
Thanks for reading!
Is your ankle,swollen? If yes, then your pain and loss of function could be partially caused by edema. I guess you might could get some relief by wet cupping but the idea of removing dirty blood is not supported by any science that I’m aware of. If your lungs, liver and kidneys are healthy, you will not have “dirty” blood as they are detoxing for you. But I have leg pain prob from varicose veins and it is helped by good quality support hose or knee socks. Before I get out of bed, I put both legs in the air… Read more »
Hello Susan. Yes, my left ankle is often swollen and yes it is edema. I know what you mean about “dirty blood” being more of a superstition or wives tale type of thing. All I know is that I did watch the color of the blood being withdrawn change–which was fascinating. I like seeing my body as a science experiment (have you ever done the Chinese candles to remove wax from the year–Fascinating!!).
Thanks so much for your thoughts and recommendations.