Blog Post

The Age has Arrived

I am approaching the age of 50 and am keenly aware of how aging is impacting my body. While I have made no significant or noteworthy changes to my diet or lifestyle in the last few years, I can say that additional weight has decided to attach itself to my midsection and does not want to part from me. 😆

I remember in my youth and “golden age” (what I call the 30s–when you are no longer a young adult and also not yet middle-aged) listening to older people share about the slow down in metabolism, and the subsequent weight gain. It’s not that I did not believe them, but it was so far off in the distance that I didn’t care. Now I do.


“Büyük Beden” translates to Plus Size and is what I look for now

A month or so ago I sorted through my wardrobe. It was time to concede that some articles of clothing would never again be wearable (for me), at least not without some drastic overhaul-of-life and how I am able to spend my time. And therefore I conceded and donated the items, many of which were in very good condition (which tells you I was hanging on to them for far too long, hoping and dreaming of miraculously becoming skinny 😆).

I then went to the mall and purchased three pairs of pants that do fit me in my current size. Though it is still a mystery, this “size” thing, because one make or model can be significantly different than the next. In the U.S. I generally wear/buy a size 14 and I still have some in that size that I wear. As you’ll see below in the picture, I am wearing a diversity of sizes purchased within Turkey. From 44, to 46, to 50 (European size). And yet, on the Marks and Spencer cordoruy label it says size 14 for CAN/US. I’m not sure it would actually match with a US 14 (I would guess a US 16) but hey, they fit. So that shopping outing was a tiny act of self acceptance along this aging journey. 

I think I am a rare woman in Turkey. When I visit boutiques, of which there are many on the street where I live, I can find clothing that IS my size, but the style-of-now is very much NOT my style, and honestly never has been my style. I do not like clothing that is tight, nor pants that are (a)  high-waisted, or (b) short in the ankle. These features are not MY STYLE, and so I pray that they soon go out of style. I like low-waisted pants that are form-fitting, but offer stretch. For tops/blouses, I like colorful items. I’m not averse to those that show shape and curves, but they should not show rolls. 🤣

I am not comfortable in clothing that feels like it is squeezing me. But that doesn’t mean I want to wear oversized and baggy clothing either. I like boot cut pants/jeans that are full length. I am fine with materials that hug me, but they must not compress me, they should have some reasonable stretch. And God bless whomever invented all these hybrid materials that stretch. We didn’t have those when I was a teen, as I recall. 

I guess another feature that impacts my particular dressing style is that I get hot easily. This could also be a product of my age (approaching peri menopause, though no confirmed symptoms as of this posting), but I was raised in the north and have lived in cold and/or arid climates (Colorado, USA and Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia) for much of my adult life. Therefore, I do not get cold easily; the opposite is true of getting hot.

To be comfortable I need to dress in layers on the upper half so that I can shed one when I am too hot for my surroundings, which is often the case here in Turkey where the population is accustomed to being warm all of the time and keeps the heat turned UP. For example, I am almost always roasting on public transport and have to take off my coat or jacket in order to not completely overheat and find myself perspiring profusely.

The mystery of sizes!

While I have never been a skinny or svelte girl or woman, I’ve mostly been comfortable in my skin for the better part of my life. This is the the first time where I am bumping up against a new reality that I can say I don’t like.

There are primarily two paths forward that I can think of. I could become obsessed with working out and restricting/altering my diet in big ways in order to lose, and then maintain, the weight I would lose. A second option is to do what I’ve been doing–buy larger clothing. It’s strange because I actually do not care about the number on the scale; rather, I care about how I feel in my skin. But that’s the crux, the extra weight does not “feel” good and I spend way more waking time being cognizant of it.

So I’m not sure what I will do. I toggle from one option to the next depending on the day and mood, what season I’m dressing for, and when I am hungry and thinking about what to eat next. If any of you women out there in my age category (or more senior) have any advice about how to best make this transition, I would love to hear from you. 

In the meantime, I do generally eat healthy foods–enjoy my daily apple for breakfast, and like nearly every vegetable on any menu (minus mushrooms and raw onions). I can share that I am FINALLY back into a groove of working out five mornings a week to include cardio, HIIT, and strength training (thanks to FitnessBlender Plus!). My last blood check had ALL of my numbers (Cholesterol, HDL, LDL, Triglcerides, and Thyroid) in the healthy range. Aging can’t be put off, but I do want to do what I can to age healthfully, if not exactly beautifully. 

Well, I think this is enough navel-gazing for this weekend. I’ll get back to sharing some travel adventures very soon. Until then, take care and be well everyone. Remember–Summer is Coming!

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Jo McGrath
Jo McGrath
2 years ago

No advice…but I really relate! Not sure I have ever/will ever get used to my ‘new’ body. I eat healthily – mostly 😉 try to exercise regularly…the weight diminishes but soon returns.