Many of us live with a list of things we plan or hope or imagine that we will do… someday.
Someday when we have enough money.
Someday when the children are grown.
Someday when we have more time.
Someday when ______________.
It has occurred to me that these strange times we find ourselves in may very well be someday.
I am fortunate to be able to do my work (albeit NOT the same quality or experience as in-person) from the safety of my home, which is where we find ourselves spending our minutes, hours, days, dare I say, our weeks (and potentially months). This is week two of our minimum of six weeks of teaching and learning online. And yes–we are doing both. We are learning how to use new technologies, how to connect and communicate virtually with our students and our colleagues, all the while trying to maintain our personal health in all dimensions–physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.

We each have our own unique sequester situation. I have friends that are juggling so much more–teaching their classes of students while simultaneously mentoring their own children through the other side of online learning AND living in an apartment with a spouse and one or more children. All the time. Day after day. There are benefits and challenges to each of our home situations-whatever they may be.
I live alone with my cat. The upside of this is that I can do whatever I want, whenever I want (within my apartment, of course). If I fidget at night with worry and unease, I can get up and read or clean or whatever I think may ease my discomfort. I do not have to worry about disturbing anyone. That said, it can be a bit lonely as well. No human touch or contact with friends. Yes, I know we must do it, the social distancing thing. However, if you live with a partner or your family, then that human need for touch and contact can be fed. Zigzag is getting way more loving than I think she wants. Last night she didn’t join me in the bedroom until after 5 in the morning!!! But hey, at least she can choose to sleep separately.

I believe I’ve written before about being an ambivert. I enjoy solitude and alone time; but I also crave and replenish myself on socializing and connecting with others. I toggle back and forth from one side of the scale to the other. I am virtually connecting with friends and colleagues. However, it is not the same as breaking bread and sipping wine at the same table while sharing stories, successes, and struggles. I look forward to when we can do those things again….
But until then, we have time at home to do some of those someday things.
I have time to read those books that have been piling up in my to-be-read pile.
I have time to play with art and coloring.

I have time to work on the various writing projects I’ve been meaning to get to.
I have time to try and create a habit of yoga in my life.
I have time to workout and focus on my physical health–both my activity and the food I consume.
I have time to watch that movie I’ve been meaning to see.

I have time to work on that photo digitizing project that has been sitting in boxes. (By the way there is a GREAT app for accomplishing this task–PhotoScan by Google!)

I have time to search for and connect with people from my youth and past. First example–I just reconnected with the girl–now woman–for whom I was a Big Sister through Big Brothers Big Sisters in the mid to late 90s.
I have time to message and talk with friends, on the other side of the world, whom I could never find the right time to communicate with because of the time difference.
I have time to reflect on life, and think about what I value and want to do in the future.
So please tell me, what “somedays” are you doing or finding in these days?