Blog Post

The Search for a Word

Back in early 2012 I read an article in Guideposts magazine by Debbie Macomber that shared her practice of choosing a word to focus on each year. While I wouldn’t describe myself as a religious person, nor am I a reader of Macomber’s books, I was inspired by this practice. I chose a word for that year, and have been choosing a “word for the year” ever since. I have shared the article with friends and family and some have opted to participate in the practice as well. While I am NOT a fan of The Secret, I do subscribe to the thinking that positive thoughts beget positivity, that we draw to us that which we put out into the world. As a new year approaches, I am deep in the throes of choosing my word for 2019. 

Rainbow stairs in Göztepe, just 5 minutes from my home. 

Reflecting on the words I’ve chosen over the past seven years, I’d say that, for the most part, my attention or focus on that word has had a positive impact on my life and living, with one exception.

Here is a list of the chosen words from 2012 until now, and a brief accounting of how that word ended up creating or reflecting events, choices, decisions, and so forth, that occurred in my life during that year:

But here we are now, just three weeks away from another New Year. That nonrenewable resource–Time–keeps pulling us forward. What will 2019 have in store? One can never know.

What I know for sure is that change is the only constant. I know that the unexpected, unpredicted, and often unwanted things and events will come to pass. It can go against everything we love and wish and dream and hope for. However, with time, distance, and some temperance, a new seeing occurs. What was once tragedy and heartbreak, may offer up delight, abundance, joy, and new growth.

Grass between stones, Istanbul.

I feel myself like a forest after a raging wildfire. The smoldering finished and new shoots abound. They are brilliant and vibrant green. What will spring forth from the tragedy that was 2018? Only 2019 knows.

I’ll be sure to let you know what I discover and experience in the year to come. And once I choose my Word—once she finds her way to my heart and gut–I’ll post it here as a comment. As always, thank you for your support, encouragement, and friendship. I hope the new year will bring you health and happiness and above all, wonder!

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Fawn Caveney
6 years ago

What a lovely reflective post. My how the years weave a colorful tapestry.., always becoming and sharing. Thank you for sharing this honest journey.


[…] 2019  Year of Enjoy! (also recounts all previous word selections) […]