Blog Post

New Life. New Spaces. New Focus.

I think I’d like to start with the why behind the title for this new blog. If you followed me previously at, then you’ve been notified about the upcoming migration to this new site. Currently I’m in the in-between stage–living yet in Mongolia but preparing for a new life in Turkey. With the move I thought it was time to upgrade from Blogger to WordPress. While I am yet an American and certainly still have tomboy tendencies, I will soon no longer be in Mongolia and am now living a solo lifestyle after having had a primary partner for the last 20+ years. I’m both scared and excited about this phase of life–as we most often are with anything that is new or unknown.

I wracked my brain for weeks about what to call or title the new blog. Yes, I could have just used my name as that always stays the same. But my name is for all of me, and this blog will just be a highlights, observations, and bloopers reel. It won’t cover everything about my life, though it could potentially cover any sort of thing.

There is a song by P.J. Pacifico titled “All for Something” and it’s one of the tracks on my current “life transition” playlist. I’ll share more of those tracks in a future post. As I build this blog during my transition out of Mongolia, out of a married life, out of one educational position and school, I find myself challenged and frustrated and anxious to be fast-forwarded, if you will, into that future state of serenity and newness. But I’m not there yet. And I am trying to keep in  mind that all of the hard stuff of NOW is FOR something greater, better, different in my immediate future, in what will very soon be my NOW.

Listening to “All for Something” makes me feel hope and reminds me that sometimes in life we have to hold on and stand strong through the troubling, worrying, and frustrating times. Once we find ourselves moored solidly on the other side we can turn, look back, and understand finally what it was all about, and that in the end all we DO and BE and ARE is for SOMETHING. Something more. Something bigger. Something better. This is a philosophy that I subscribe to and one which I have chosen as a lens through which to experience my life. Being brave and jumping into the unknown is one way to pursue one’s life. I’ve done that plenty of times. But sometimes we also just have to walk a straight line, breathe, and have faith that our stamina and resolve will deliver us.

I do hope you will continue to follow me on my journey. I intend to share with you my struggles and my joys, my frustrations and my successes. I endeavor to engage with you and to invite you to share your reactions, questions, and opposing viewpoints. I think we have much to learn from one another. And as Josh of “The Minimalists” says, “Time is a nonrenewable resource,” so are you spending your time well? The way you wish to? If yes, GOOD FOR YOU. If not, what is stopping you? How can you overcome the obstacles in your way?

This is my one objective moving forward–to do what I want, when I want, and with whom I want. To squeeze as much joy and learning and fun from life as I can make possible. If you have any advice or tips for me–please share! Until my next post–Be Well and Enjoy!

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Terry Caveney
Terry Caveney
6 years ago

So exciting to start a new journey with you! I so enjoy your insights, musings, descriptions, comparisons and feelings. Happy to be aboard!

Terry Caveney
Terry Caveney
6 years ago

Just me again! Forgot to check all the boxes below!

Terry Caveney
Terry Caveney
6 years ago

Love the song!!! It’s so meaningful!

6 years ago
Reply to  Terry Caveney

Thanks, Mom, as always for your love and support!! I so appreciate you.

E.J. Bonenberger
E.J. Bonenberger
6 years ago

I love your first post and can’t wait to follow your next chapter. Love and light to you!

Jen Joseph
6 years ago

Thanks for continue to share your life with us. I am so proud of you and continue to wish nothing but happiness and success!

Alex Hawley
Alex Hawley
6 years ago

I can’t wait to keep up with your new adventures!!

6 years ago

So happy to see this! Welcome to the other side !

Jason Cary
Jason Cary
6 years ago

Love the new blog name and look! You have always inspired me with your ability to deal with adversity and make the best of any situation. I know you’ll do great things with your next chapter of life. Looking forward to reading further updates as you transition from UB to Izmir.

Mary Ann Schwartz
Mary Ann Schwartz
6 years ago

I believe in you, Heather. Sorry for your heartache but loving your “moving on” spirit! Hoping each new day brings a bounty of peace and happiness.

6 years ago

Came to “Tomboy” for the ASU article (I’m a former PCV working for another international school in UB) and ended up spending several hours reading your old posts and your new blog. I think we have similar views, despite the differences in our life experiences. I did a bit of blogging during my Peace Corps service, but didn’t keep up with it because I find it difficult to actually sit down and spend time writing. Anyway, I look forward to reading about your experience in a place I probably can’t go for a few years. At least until the political… Read more »